21+ Gok met mate

21+ Gok met mate

In this page you can find all the available shortcodes for general purposes. You can use them in any page/post you want and customize them with each shortcode properties.


You can create unlimited slideshows in Sliders CPT and then display the slideshow you want with this shortcode.

Posts shortcode

With this shortcode you can display a certain number of posts from a selected category (or without selecting a category).

Belgische casinobezoekers scoren Mega Millions Jackpot bij Holland Casino

In maart dit jaar schreven we nog over de Mega Millions Jackpot die maar blijft…

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Napoleon vecht nieuwe gokreclame wetgeving aan

Nadat eerder al duidelijk werd dat de Belgische sportsector het aankomende verbod op gokreclames gaat…

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Frankrijk wil online casino’s legaliseren

In veel Europese landen is het mogelijk om online te gokken, maar dat gaat niet…

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Zweden wint het Eurovisie Songfestival

Afgelopen zaterdag was het moment waar we allemaal op hadden gewacht daar: de finale van…

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Dit zijn alle Eurovisie Songfestival 2023 finalisten; België is door!

Credits: Eurovision.tv Na de eerste halve finale van het Songfestival begin deze week, heeft de…

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Eerste finalisten van het Eurovisie Songfestival 2023 bekend

De eerste halve finale van het Eurovisie Songfestival 2023 heeft plaatsgevonden. Gisterenavond kwamen 15 landen…

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Posts shortcode / style 2

Another style for displaying posts inside a page.

Posts shortcode / style 3

This style for displaying posts is made for limited spaces like a narrow column or inside a widget!

Belgische casinobezoekers scoren Mega Millions Jackpot bij Holland Casino

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Napoleon vecht nieuwe gokreclame wetgeving aan

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Frankrijk wil online casino’s legaliseren

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Zweden wint het Eurovisie Songfestival

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Text boxes with FontAwesome icons

If you want to make some text to pop out you can use this shortcode and even select an icon from huge FontAwesome icons gallery.

Nam sollicitudin nunc eu ex facilisis faucibus. Proin sem sem, sollicitudin vitae maximus non, ornare id nisi. Vivamus pellentesque quam mauris, nec blandit quam fringilla ac. Sed posuere sodales odio. Sed rutrum eleifend ipsum id accumsan. Morbi eget facilisis leo. Praesent ac risus hendrerit, egestas enim ut, efficitur lectus. Praesent lacinia finibus felis in volutpat. Maecenas faucibus arcu at turpis efficitur volutpat. Morbi rutrum fringilla rhoncus. Quisque faucibus vitae sapien id porttitor. Sed nec libero ligula. Praesent convallis lectus imperdiet leo porttitor, vel luctus mi condimentum. Integer vel tellus nec mauris facilisis semper a non tortor.
In mattis varius ipsum non iaculis. Sed maximus augue ut turpis mollis, vitae feugiat ante ullamcorper. Donec vel ante consectetur, dapibus libero non, volutpat metus. Vestibulum posuere commodo maximus. Morbi vestibulum risus et lorem condimentum iaculis. Morbi varius, diam eget iaculis tincidunt, ante odio fermentum augue, mattis vehicula risus dui in arcu. Aenean eget porta velit. Mauris sagittis eu ligula vitae maximus. Phasellus ut arcu id mauris rhoncus lobortis. Nunc cursus tortor et cursus rutrum. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Nam sollicitudin nunc eu ex facilisis faucibus. Proin sem sem, sollicitudin vitae maximus non, ornare id nisi. Vivamus pellentesque quam mauris, nec blandit quam fringilla ac. Sed posuere sodales odio. Sed rutrum eleifend ipsum id accumsan. Morbi eget facilisis leo. Praesent ac risus hendrerit, egestas enim ut, efficitur lectus. Praesent lacinia finibus felis in volutpat. Maecenas faucibus arcu at turpis efficitur volutpat. Morbi rutrum fringilla rhoncus. Quisque faucibus vitae sapien id porttitor. Sed nec libero ligula. Praesent convallis lectus imperdiet leo porttitor, vel luctus mi condimentum. Integer vel tellus nec mauris facilisis semper a non tortor.

Text box

Nam sollicitudin nunc eu ex facilisis faucibus. Proin sem sem, sollicitudin vitae maximus non, ornare id nisi. Vivamus pellentesque quam mauris, nec blandit quam fringilla ac. Sed posuere sodales odio. Sed rutrum eleifend ipsum id accumsan. Morbi eget facilisis leo. Praesent ac risus hendrerit, egestas enim ut, efficitur lectus.

Social links

When you set your social profiles in theme settings you can use this shortcode in order to display them.

Accordeon shortcode / style 3

This will display text in a way that you can collaps it and open it

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).